A Feng Shui Checklist for Cleaning up Clutter

Feng Shui rule #1: be clean and tidy! Unorganized spaces impede fruitful interactions and productivity. Here’s a simple checklist to aid your clean up efforts.

In my daily readings, I came across these words of wisdom from the book by Dumont Monte, 365 Steps Towards Harmony. Feng Shui is at the heart of my practice. In almost everything you read or study about Feng Shui, the number one rule is to be organized and eliminate clutter from your space. Even if you don’t practice Feng Shui, you probably agree that a cluttered space is a block to productivity and peace of mind. “Rooms crammed full of junk tend to block and impede the fruitful interaction between individual energy fields. Energy must be able to flow.” Before a Feng Shui master can really begin to analyze a space or before you can gain true benefits from a Feng Shui Assessment, you must clear away the mess.

“You will be surprised to see how many problems disappear and how few aids are still necessary to set positive energy free.”

365_steps_towards_harmony_book_coverHere is Dumont’s Check for Cleaning Up:

  • Commit yourself to clearing away the mess
  • Decide on a starting date and write in on your calendar
  • Set yourself a realistic goal – decide in advance how much you want to achieve
  • Make a timetable
  • Have bags and boxes at hand to dispose of the rubbish
  • Work behind closed doors
  • Before starting, take a few minutes to sit down and relax
  • Work from the top to the bottom
  • Have you got too much of everything? Part with it, even if it hurts! Decide as you go along – what purpose does a thing serve? Is it instrumental to your well being?
  • A good exercise is to get rid of one object a day.
  • Only acquire new things after ridding yourself of the old ones.


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