Are your meetings organized?

Follow 3 simple steps to lead well-organized meetings that are effective and successful.

There can be clutter and disorganization in your closets, on your desk and in your file cabinets. There can also be clutter in your head, with to do lists and action items, and even in conversations. “Conversation clutter” is especially a time-waster when it happens in meetings, where multiple peoples are affected. I read a great article written by a fabulous Coach (not to mention a good friend of mine), Nikki Anderson.  It resonated with me as a very simple process to follow in order to lead an effective ORGANIZED meeting.

According to Nikki, there are three simple yet important steps to conducting effective meetings:

meeting1st – Create an Agenda, to be clear on WHAT you are there to talk about.  I would add that it’s ideal that the agenda is distributed prior to the meeting so that everyone is prepared and/or has a chance to add feedback.

2nd – Have a Desired Outcome, to clear on WHY you’re talking about these issues.  My .02 is to state this outcome clearly at the beginning of the meeting and get everyone’s agreement.  Write it down on a flip chart if there is more then 2 or 3 people in the meeting, and add other peoples ideas if there is feedback.

3RD – Set Next Steps, to clarify HOW each person is going to implement the outcomes, including WHEN they are responsible for a deliverable. And, if you are in the meeting, to save yourself from head/action item clutter, write down your next steps and due dates.

As Nikki affirms, these straightforward steps will ensure your ‘good ideas’ are part of a productive, satisfying meeting with successful results.

Check out Nikki’s blog for more great articles.

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