A Quick Tip on Selling Your Clutter…. | BALANCE

A Quick Tip on Selling Your Clutter….

To the question of whether to sell you clutter via the old-school garage sale or Facebook’s Marketplace or any number of sources, my first answer is how much is your time worth? It will take time to sell your stuff.

There are ways to do it faster. If you live in the bay area and are planning a big move or a downsize, you will want to check out Remoov. In short, they will come to your house, haul everything away and trash it, donate it or try to sell what’s valuable and they’ll split that money with you. Luis Perez, it’s dynamic and passionate founder, tells me it takes an average of four hours to sell something on Craigslist. 4-hours. To sell something.. one thing.  Certainly that time is reduced somewhat if you sell it online, via Mercari or LetGo. Poshmark for selling clothing makes it easy, TheRealReal for designer goods even easier, but it all takes some time.

If you really love the idea of putting a price on your possessions, posting photos, corresponding with strangers, getting counter offers, dealing with financial transactions and all, then it’s a no-brainer. Enjoy yourself. Sell your stuff. Think of it as a part-time job.

Otherwise, donate freely!

One Response to A Quick Tip on Selling Your Clutter….

  1. Selling anything that you could instead donate to goodwill is a complete waste of time.
    Been there done that used most of the organizations you mentioned such as poshmark et cetera total waste of time.

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