Author Archives: Nancy Castelli

Day 26: Business Clutter Clearing – Start at the Mail Box

Each former employee still receiving bulk mail can cost your company $18…and a tree. For businesses large and small, here’s a planet-friendly tip: stop receiving mail meant for former employees by visiting the Ecological Mail Coalition. For every former employee entered into the site’s database, a company will avoid 100 pounds of waste in undeliverable mail.… Continue Reading

Day 25: The Symbiosis of Zine Clutter Clearing

Piles of magazines are a perfect example of the symbiosis of sustainability and organization…ideas to eliminate the backlog and save the trees! To be sure, symbiosis, defined: sym·bi·o·sis – noun – 1: the living together in more or less intimate association or close union of two dissimilar organisms; especially : mutualism 2: a cooperative relationship (as… Continue Reading

Get Organized Save Planet in 30, Day 22: Options to Scrap Your High Tech Clutter! (Part 1)

Part 1 of a 3-part tips on letting go of your old tech gear at last! What to with all your old technology…? I find most people are reluctant to donate or discard computers, cell phones, hard drives and other data devices for fear that someone will get access to your confidential information. That is a valid… Continue Reading

Day 20: Clutter Hunger

TGIF clutter wisdom to inspire clearing some clutter this weekend! “We excel at making a living but often fail at making a life. We celebrate our prosperity but yearn for purpose. We cherish our freedoms but long for connection. In an age of plenty, we feel spiritual hunger.” …and this is the American Paradox, according… Continue Reading

How to Get Organized and Save the Planet in 30 Days, Day 18: Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff!

Don’t sweat the small stuff when recycling your paper, meaning the sticky notes, staples and such. In the paper recycling process, it all gets put into a big vat and pureed into a pulp “smoothie” where the random paper clip, staple or the sticky note glue substances get separated out. So recycle freely!   Continue Reading

Day 14 & 15 – Crayon Clutter?

…there is a place to donate your used crayons. Check it! Two-tip Tuesday!  Part 1. We took the weekend off so we’re giving you two tips today… Tip 1: Have you got crayon clutter? Are the “kids” using them anymore? If your household is in the teen years plus, there is a place to donate… Continue Reading