Author Archives: Nancy Castelli

Part 2: Lighten Up, Brighten Up, Tighten up – Clutter Out! The Drink Move Dance Edition

This is the second part in my series on de-cluttering systemically, in celebration of our new BALANCE mobile-friendly website launch! Getting organized is not just about stuff and possessions. It’s about clearing up any clogged up areas in your life, even internally. So, starting with YOU, I give you 3 more things you can do… Continue Reading

Robinson Crusoe and Essential Organizing

Essential Organizing! While visiting my mother recently, I picked up a few of the books I had read and loved when I was young. One of them was Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe, which I recently read again. It is still a wonderful story of one man’s journey being washed ashore onto a small desolate… Continue Reading

Organized Cooking – Get Your Mise en Place!

Another Kitchen entry inspired by Bon Appétit Magazine. More great ideas for maintaining order in your kitchen. Top chef, Thomas Keller of renowned restaurants (The French Laundry – Yountville, CA and Per Se – Manhatten, NYC), says it’s “about having everything you need before you start cooking: picturing every task involved in creating a dish… Continue Reading

Top Chef Wisdom for an Organized Kitchen

Besides enjoying remarkable food, one of my favorite things about restaurant eating, when the kitchen is in view, is seeing the orderly, mostly low-tech and typically small spaces from which they operate. From an Organizer’s perspective, It’s art, the efficiency and flow of the production that happens there. A Bon Appétit article enlightened me to… Continue Reading