Author Archives: Nancy Castelli

Clutter Pop-up?

On my way home, I came across Twice, a chic pop-up that wants to help you eliminate your clutter by selling it! Cool! According to Twice, “your clutter is someone’s treasure. Sell and get paid.”, though you have to hurry. It’s just an experiment and they close at the end of this month! Their main… Continue Reading

Celebrating the Art of Clutter…Wha?

Needless to say, this article opened up discussion amongst my Professional Organizer the end, it’s for you to decide if your clutter is “art”… May 29th article by Dominique Browing entitled “Let’s Celebrate the Art of Clutter” opened up a discussion amongst my Professional Organizer peers, as you might expect. The article undermines the… Continue Reading

A Minimalist, on Clutter

On Joshua Becker, who defines minimalism as “the intentional promotion of the things we most value and the removal of everything that distracts us from it” I have so much admiration for Joshua Becker, a self-described minimalist. In 2008, he, his wife and their 2 children decided to become minimalists and intentionally live with fewer… Continue Reading

Organize, or Prune for Growth

When you prune your home or office of clutter, like pruning a tree, light gets in where it didn’t before, air circulates better and new growth appears. For just about all my clients where their clutter has been present for some time, once we begin to clear the clutter, things open up in other areas… Continue Reading

Harmonious Organizing

In the following entry contains excerpts from “Harmonious Organizing”, Organize Magazine, K. Cox. March/April 2008 There a lots of ways to say it. but my favorite thesaurus word for Organize is Harmonize. The thing is, if it were easy to make choices about clutter, it wouldn’t be, um… clutter. The word harmony, for me, goes… Continue Reading