Getting organized is not just about stuff and possessions. It’s about clearing clutter from any area in your life where things are clogged up and getting you down.
In celebration of my website upgrade – we’re mobile friendly at last! – I am publishing this 4-part series: Lighten Up, Brighten Up and Tighten up.
A couple of months ago, I had the great fortune to hear my dear friend and esteemed associate, Teresa Marchese of Rock Solid, give the most amazing talk about getting organized. Now, mind you, she didn’t call it an organizing talk. She called it “12 Things You Can Do to Lighten Up, Brighten Up and Tighten Up Today.”
At the time, I was feeling a bit clogged with some life matters that had me fearful and anxious. Teresa’s talk gave me secrets to clearing my heart and head clutter. I felt a similar release my clients describe when I help them make the letting go choices that liberate them from clutter. By adding 2 or 3 of her “clutter clearing” tips to my life over the next few weeks, and to this day, my world has shifted. I went from scared to excited and from anxiety to power. Huge.
So, with gratitude and joy, I share with you Teresa’s secrets. 12 things you can do to lighten up, brighten up and tighten up TODAY… to feel better right now!
Starting with the first four. Enjoy:
1. Meditate.
A regular meditation practice
- Strengthens the immune system
- Improves brain function
- Lowers cortisol levels (for weight loss)
- Increases energy levels
- Reduces stress and raises your stress ceiling
- Increases self-awareness
Start your practice with just 5 minutes a day. I like the morning best, when you mind has not yet filled up with thoughts of the day. Google it for hundreds of guided meditation options.
2. Check in with yourself
Stretch yourself out in the morning – even if you’re going to exercise. Even before you get out of bed. Practice a few yoga poses. Move down your body, and don’t forget to breathe.
3. Don’t eat it all
When you eat, decrease your portion sizes.
Overeating is one of the most toxic things for your body. Major organs demand more energy to process and therefore less resources go towards your brain or limbs. Further, overeating actually reduces the body’s ability to absorb nutrients.
4. Eat something!
Too much time spent without any calories slows your metabolism, and allows your blood sugar to drop, making you irritable, sad and cranky, so crank yourself up with a healthy snack. Yes, you have time to eat. And if you “forget”, set an alarm.
Try at least one of these and let us know how it goes.