Over the years, I have had the wonderful opportunity to increase the number of my clients in the bay area senior community. It is a great pleasure to work with aging homeowners who have at last made the decision to stay or move from their home, and in either case, need to take steps to downsize. An otherwise daunting project can be accomplished with ease by working with an Organizer. We help you make the let go decisions and take on the physical effort.
It’s so important to get empowered to plan for these fundamental life choices for your future. I am so excited to be part of this event where a panel of experts will discuss options and solutions to the senior homeowner’s dilemma – do you stay or move from your home.
Please join us or spread the word!
Wednesday, May 1, 2019 / 4:00 to 5:30 pm
208 Cypress Ave., South San Francisco, CA
RSVP: 415.867.5358 or at Eventbrite.