Clutter.. it’s not just stuff.

clutterinallforms-200wClutter can be anything that clogs up your life. Typically we think of it as stuff in piles on the desk, in closets or the garage, but you can have clutter in your head, with your schedule, or even in your relationships. Any place in your life where the flow of energy is blocked, consider that you may have clutter there. If you have pile on your desk, is it time to find a home for it or maybe it’s just time to let it go? If you are struggling with a relationship, there may be a block due to thing left unsaid or an unresolved issue. It may even be you yourself who are blocked, where you can’t seem to feel good about life or your self-esteem is at a low point. Consider that you have clutter in your heart and your head that is blocking you and keeping you from attaining your true power and gifts.

Be brutal with in clearing out and eliminating your clutter to be kind to yourself. It can be very difficult to take that first step. To let go of those once cherished possessions that are no longer serving you. To engage in that difficult conversation with a loved one and expose your vulnerability. Or to take on the challenge of taking care of yourself, with therapy, self-help, or simply by asking a friend for help. But it is essential if you are ready to free yourself of clutter… in all it’s forms.

And you deserve it!

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