Countdown to Getting Organized in 2020 – Five: Cop an Attitude!

2020 is your year to get organized at last, right? To get you started early, here is my countdown to New Year’s Day. Five days of my best tips for achieving your quest to get from cluttered to organized. Starting today.

Most of these are not tactical tips like label things or use a tissue box to store plastic bags. These top five are strategic for lasting change; to develop new skills and break old habits. Most of them involve making decisions. As one of my peers says, “clutter is postponed decisions”, so exercise the muscle of decision making with these tips and making de-clutter decisions will get easier and easier.

So here’s number one: Cop an Attitude!

Something I often say to my clients is “get arrogant about your stuff to be kind to yourself“. The bottom line is, you are a unique gift to this world, and we simply don’t have time for you to be surrounded by things that aren’t active and serving you. Do you? Make decisions with arrogance.

If you’ve had it for years and still haven’t worn it, let it go. If you think “maybe someday…” and still haven’t, let it go. You are special and your home is your sacred space, your recharge center, your shelter. Honor it, and let go, let go, let go. Cop an attitude of arrogance and be kind to yourself by having less around. Keep only what is active and serving you. Surround yourself only with possessions that are useful or bring you joy. Amen.

For more inspiration, join one of my workshops on December 30th, January 2nd or January 8th.

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